Girl Scout Programs

Girl Scouts

If your Girl Scout Troop wants to complete their Horseback Riding Badge - Junior Level, you are in the right place! YMCA Camp Kern has lots of experience taking Girl Scout Troops on trail rides and through their badge work. 

  • $55 booking fee + $240 for the first 8 riders, then $30 for each additional rider (maximum of 10 riders per group). Badge work add-on is $12 per participant. Please provide details on your troop number and council affiliation when booking.

A 50% deposit is required when making your reservation. This is refundable up until 2 weeks prior to your trail ride.   

Long pants and closed toed shoes are required for trail ride participation.

Outdoor trail rides are weather permitting and may be moved to an indoor riding arena if conditions are poor for the safety of guests, staff, and our horses.


All trail riders must be at least kindergarten-age and must weigh less than 250lbs. Please call if you have a rider above the 250lb limit, as we may be able to accommodate them depending on horse availability.  Riders aged Kindergarten - 7 years old must have a responsible adult to lead the horse or pony while walking on the trail. 

Booking a trail ride (or questions!)

Contact Jessica Mullins at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (513) 932-3756 ext. 1531


Camp Kern Trail Ride Waiver & Release of Liability: For guests taking a horseback trail ride (or pony ride) while at camp (minors require a copy of this form signed by their parent / legal guardian).